Some newsletters we like are: which curates the latest news and quick tips from business leaders, for business leaders (subscribe here:
Harvard Business Review has 16 different newsletters you can choose from depending on your topic of interest. Personally, we suggest The Insider and Best of the Issue. (choose a newsletter/s and sign-up here:
Get the free app, Pocket ( This curates articles both old and new on a range of topics from Business to Culture to even Science and Tech.
For quick pieces of advice from an industry leader, we follow Arianna Huffington on LinkedIn ( She gives professional insights on success and balancing work and life that might be interesting especially for women in the workplace.
Subscribe to email newsletters from McKinsey to get in-depth research ( We suggest Highlights and Top Ten Most Popular.
Subscribing to email newsletters lessens the time we spend looking for information. We get it curated for us and ready to read in our inbox.
Staying updated on industry news helps us with professional maturity. It allows us to know the top headlines so that we can have conversations around these topics. Knowing the top news and trends can help us make informed decisions that take into account our current work environment.
✍🏼 Every Wednesday, we'll share tips for employees, leaders, HR practitioners, and everyone out there wanting to grow as a more mindful and impactful professional #WorkTipsWednesday ✍🏼